Miles Davis era ed è avanti anni luce, ha composto questa meravigliosa
canzone dedicata a coloro a cui non piace il Natale creando, come al
solito, un capolavoro. Nel 1962 alla richiesta della casa discografica
di incidere una canzone natalizia ha risposto con "Che C***O credono che
adesso gli suono White Christmas?" in Perfetto stile Miles/Burbero. La
Canzone si intitola BLUE X_MAS (To whom it may concern) - Natale Triste
(per coloro a cui importa). L'arrangiamento perfetto di Gil Evans, la
voce di Bob Dorough, il sax di Wayne Shorter e la poesia assoluta della
tromba di Miles. Una gemma di rara bellezza e un testo tra il cinico e
l'ironico che vi consigliamo di leggere e seguire attentamente. BUON
Miles Davis was, and still is, ahead of his
times. He created this wonderful song dedicated to whom that don't like
Christmas, a masterpiece. In 1962 when Columbia wanted Davis to
contribute a song to the "Jingle Bell Jazz" album, Davis complained,
"What the f*ck am I supposed to play for them? ‘White Christmas’?" in
perfect Miles style. The song is titled BLUE X_MAS (To whom it may
concern). Arranged by the great Gil Evans, vocals by Bob Dorough, Wayne
Shorter plays the sax, and the heavenly poetry of Miles trumpet. A gem
of rare beauty with some cynic and ironic lyrics that we suggest to
follow. MERRY X-MAS!
Merry Christmas
I hope you have a white one, but for me it's blue
Blue Christmas, that's the way you see it when you're feeling blue
Blue Xmas, when you're blue at Christmastime
you see right through,
All the waste, all the sham, all the haste
and plain old bad taste
Sidewalk Santy Clauses are much, much, much too thin
They're wearing fancy rented costumes, false beards and big fat phony grins
And nearly everybody's standing round holding out their empty hand or tin cup
Gimme gimme gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme
Fill my stocking up
All the way up
It's a time when the greedy give a dime to the needy
Blue Christmas, all the paper, tinsel and the fal-de-ral
Blue Xmas, people trading gifts that matter not at all
What I call
Bitter gall.......Fal-de-ral
Lots of hungry, homeless children in your own backyards
While you're very, very busy addressing
Twenty zillion Christmas cards
Now, Yuletide is the season to receive and oh, to give and ahh, to share
But all you December do-gooders rush around and rant and rave and loudly blare
Merry Christmas
I hope yours is a bright one, but for me it bleeds
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