Un "macro" sguardo sul mondo delle api in un video di James Zanoni, bravissimo creativo che oltretutto vuole sensibilizzarci sull'iniziativa "Help the Honey Bees". Iegli ultimi anni le api si stanno decimando ad un ritmo impressionante. Bravo!

A "macro" look on the world of bees in a video by James Zanoni, supreme creative that wants also sensibilize us on the "Help the Honey Bees" initiative. Bees during the last years are disappearing at an alarming rate.

Created from footage I was able to shoot this past June, This short was just a chance for me to experiment in After Effects with track, stabilization, and color correction.
Honey bees currently face a huge epidemic, and need any help they can get. They are responsible for pollinating around 1/3 of all the fruits and veggies we eat.
Find out more about how you can help at .
Shot on a Canon 7D. Red Rock Micro Custom Rig | Canon 50mm 1.4 | 17-40mm 4 | 100mm 2.8 macro 
Music Featured - "Black Sands" by Bonobo

Another video by James Zanoni "Urban Walls"

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