La Nuova Dolce Vita: "Social Life" e l'età imperiale. Da Poppea ad Anita Ekberg di Francesco Vezzoli, 2011. Grazie all'artista. Il voluttuoso corto di Francesco Vezzoli rappresenta Eva Mendes come un nudo classico perduto in un paesaggio da sogno surrealista e pubblicizza la sua mostra alla Fondazione Prada di Venezia.

La Nuova Dolce Vita: Social Life and the Imperial Age. From Poppaea to Anita Ekberg by Francesco Vezzoli, 2011. Courtesy of the artist.Francesco Vezzoli's voluptuous short depicts Eva Mendes as a classical nude lost in a Surrealist dreamscape, and advertises his exhibition at Venice's Fondazione Prada.

As featured in Commercial Break, a video art intervention for the 54th Venice Biennale curated by Neville Wakefield, produced by the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture and powered by POST. Featuring the work of over 130 artists, Commercial Break is a constantly reforming and randomly sequenced stream of artist's ideas, suggesting a world in which content moves at the speed of advertising and attention itself is the ultimate product.

Interview with the artist

Some Vezzoli's "celebrities" art pieces (Click on the pictures to enlarge)

LADY GAGA (2009)

THE GREED PERFUME (directed by Roman Polanski) / Natalie Portman and Michelle Williams (2008)

DEMOCRAZY / Sharon Stone / Bernard-Henry Levy (2007)
MADONNAS / Linda Evangelista / Cindy Crawford
SURREAL IN HOLLYWOOD / Liz Taylor - (2008)

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