Qui allo Studio Badini Createam siamo orgogliosi delle Palle PANTONE™ Universe  da noi concepite e messe in grafica, aggiungiamo inoltre una nuova foto "di gruppo" ad alta risoluzione. Sono prodotte e commercializzate da Seletti. Decisamente un successo di stagione! Auguri!

Here at Studio Badini Createam we we are so proud of the PANTONE™ Universe Christmas Balls that we conceived and designed for the Seletti brand. We add also a new high resolution picture. Definitely a "seasonal hit!". Best Wishes!
click on the pictures to enlarge / hi-resolutions
Glass PANTONE Christmas Balls / 10 Colours
Concept / Graphic Design / Photo Studio Badini Createam as proud member of Selab for SELETTI / PANTONE UNIVERSE™. Launched at MACEF, Milan and Maison & Objet, Paris, September 2011.

Are You ready for a Graphic Christmas?
click on the image to enlarge